Well, sadly.....we do.......often. I have had a huge weakness for mexican since the birth of my 2nd child ( 12 years ago) ! Anyways, I love the little black trays that the nachos or the taco salads come in and have trying to figure out what to do with some of them. I finally decided that they would make excellent little greenhouses for the window seals so that the girls can see stuff sprout! Great recycling project!

Here's a belated St. Patty's Day post. My oldest daughter has irish blood gushing through her veins! She knows more about Ireland's history and music than most Irish, I'm sure! Anyways, this is her kind of holiday! She made an awesome Keylime Pie and decorated it up so cutely! These are the non-alcoholic versions of Ale! Green Sherbet with sprite poured on top! The kids got a kick out of these annnnnnddd, no one was tipsy before church! :O)
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